
Visual Artistry: Victony’s Album Rollout

An album is arguably the most important part of a musical act’s artistry. As a compilation of their songs into one cohesive body of work, it stands as one of the most integral aspects of being a music artiste. An album has the potential to significantly influence an artiste’s career, propelling it in various trajectories depending on the album’s reception.

Victony Sporting the Mail coif
Victony Sporting the Mail coif

This  reception is determined by numerous parameters, including the album’s quality, the message it conveys, its impact on culture, and even the rollout strategy employed. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in shaping the album’s success and the artist’s subsequent reputation and opportunities in the music industry.

Given these considerations, it’s essential to recognize and appreciate the artistry and creativity involved in the rollout of Victony’s album.

Album Imagery

In an album rollout, artistes employ various steps or strategies to tease the album, with the main goal being to create awareness for its release.Generic methods include making interview rounds, appearing on platforms of popular influencers, social media ads, TikTok promotions, and other marketing tactics. However, there are more creative and cost-friendly methods that can be just as effective, if not more so. One such method, which Victony is heavily applying in his album rollout, is leveraging social media presence to create a storyline and an identity around the album.

Victony’s Use of Album Imagery

The entire music populace is aware of the ordeal Victony went through in early 2021 and his near-death experience. That experience has largely shaped his artistry, and he is using it, along with his social media presence, to create a story around the album. Bouncing back from his accident and almost being wheelchair-bound is the storyline for his album “Stubborn.” Along with this, the identity he is creating around the album is eye-catching. In March he made a post burying his former persona Alinco, and has borne another persona.

Creating the identity of a warrior, Victony has consistently been sporting some armoury pieces especially the mail coif since March/April. This type of armor, commonly worn by European soldiers during the Middle Ages until the 13th century, is guaranteed to catch the eye of the average social media user. By using the power of repetition, he is making this identity stick even more. Since March, he has made several social media posts with him repeatedly wearing the headpiece, subconsciously registering this identity in the minds of people and preparing them for the forthcoming album.

This era-defining imagery representation is synonymous with many elite acts around the world. Victony and his team deserve major kudos for controlling perception and registering an image in the public’s mind, which subconsciously draws people towards their message. Additionally, they are effectively maintaining a creative culture that sets them apart.

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